Co-Production Festival, July 2016

Co-Production Festival, July 2016
Co-Production Festival, July 2016

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Co-production, mental health and film-making

By Sybil Ah-mane, Flexible Films 

I first came across the word co-production about 5 years ago when working on a film with SCIE. Having been part of the mental health service user movement, I was concerned that this was another piece of jargon that wouldn't last. Five years on and I am now convinced that the concept has meaning and has been a driving force for change.

I like the idea that the notion of co-production is fluid and has scope for growth and change - it means that we are still learning and willing to adapt. To me, the main thing is that whenever you are creating something, it should be co-produced by both users and workers of services. The power should be equal which is a hard thing to create so simple things like making sure everyone is involved throughout, communication is accessible, the decision making is thought through is vital. Working in this way requires a change in culture but once systems are put in place and people realise its value, it's a fairly simple process and so much can be gained.

There has been a lot of successes in co-production - from planning architecural spaces to implementing new systems to changes in care plans. Co-production can be used in most circumstances. In fact, we are conscientious in using it in our film-making practice and have found that bringing people on board during the creative process means the films are richer and more meaningful. 

I feel a lot has changed from when I started using services 27 years ago - it's now much more about real input rather than being asked opinions that may or may not be taken up. I'm really glad co-production has helped move things on.

Flexible films 

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